31 October 2020

Vintage 'Daily Mirror' newspaper strip reprints

Following on from my post earlier this week (here) about Captain Reilly-Ffoul I thought I'd see what other vintage newspaper strip reprints are out there under the 'Mirror features publication' banner.

This is what I've found so far, do let me know if you've come across any other titles...

Jane on the sawdust trail

Jane's summer idle!

Garth - man of mystery

Belinda - shooting star

Belinda and the bomb alley boys!

The last 3 images are taken from the brilliant dandare.info site

Patsy's reflections

Patsy's Christmas reflections


The sly, sinister, scurvy adventures of Captail Reilly-FFoul

30 October 2020

UPDATED: Beano and Dandy calendars

Following on from a previous post (here) about Oor Wullie calendars I realised that there must be other DC Thomson calendars out there so I set off to google Beano calendars - so here's my guide to collecting them...
Don't forget you can review Commando calendars here and Judge Dredd calendars here

New material is highlighted in red but the summary of where I'm up to now is that I have images for calendars for 1986-2020 apart from 2013 and a 'skinny' 2005 calendar (assuming it exists). Of course there could be more out there so if I missed anything just let me know.

Interestingly the 1992 edition has a reference that says "Number 7" in the top right cover - indicating that this is the 7th edition of the calendar...

...hmmm, and the 1993 calendar says "Number 8"...

...hmmm, and the 1994 calendar says "Number 9"...

There was also a Beano and Dandy calendar for 1994

...think the 1995 one says 'number 10' in the top right corner

Finally found an image of the 1996 calendar (number 11 in the top right corner)...

Here's the 1997 calendar - you'll see from the back cover picture that this is (helpfully) number as number 12 so there must have been a calendar for 1996 (to be number 11)

The 1998 calendar

The 1999 calendar (left) and the envelope it came in (right)

The 2000 calendar (right) and the envelope it came in (left)

Finally the 2001 calendars have been identified - yay!

Here's the 2002 calendar

2003 calendar

Then 2004...

No 2005 calendar (I think!) so here's the 2006 edition... 

Hmmm, so for 2004 and 2006 it seems there were 2 calendars for Beano fans...

Here's a great collection of calendars...
The top row shows (in order) 2015, 2016, 2012 and 2014.
The bottom row shows (in order) Dandy Beano 2013 and then Beano 2017, 2011 and 2010.
So that's 2010-2017 in total

...a slightly better look at the 2012 calendar

The 'skinny' 2013 calendar available from Marks & Spencer...

The 2015 calendar...

The 2016 calendar...

The 2017 calendar...

...And then the 2018 calendar...

...and here we are for 2019...

...and here's the offering for 2020...

and now for 2021...

In 2001 Beanobooks put out (at least) 3 calendars related to other characters...

Beano books also produced a Dandy calendar for 2002...