31 March 2022

Catawiki auction - bidding closes tonight

Just a reminder that the bidding closes on all these items tonight - good luck if you're bidding

The latest Catawiki auction is now open for bidding - some lovely pages as ever...bidding ends on Thursday night (31st March)

This Don Lawrence Trigan Empire page from 1968's 'The three princes' story

This Bill Lacey page from Eagles over the western front 

This Julio Schiaffino piece of Hotshot Hamish art from a Dutch (?) comic strip

This Edward Kearon Robot Archie page from 1967's 'The crystal leopard'

This Modesty Blaise strip by Romero

30 March 2022

Garry Leach artwork

Like many people I was shocked to learn of the death yesterday of artist Garry Leach. There wasn't enough of his artwork in my childhood so I when I became aware of his work later on in life I was always pleased to discover it. Here's what I've showcased on the blog previously... 

UKCAC programme 1990, A4 sized, 112 pages, Garry Leach cover

Presented free with Eagle and Battle with Storm Force in the issue dated 29th August 1987* here's what Garry drew...

It's in 3-D so suggest you see if you can find an old pair so that you can enjoy the strip in all its glory!

*and quite possible other Fleetway titles produced on this date (2000AD?)

I loved the VC's strip (which I saw in those Quality comics reprints) and I understand the covers for these books, although unsigned, is by Garry.

The VCs book one, Titan books, May 1987

The VCs book two, Titan books, July 1987

and I've finally found a Just Comics advert with a signature on! This is from the UKCAC 1990 brochure (see cover image above)

29 March 2022

UPDATED: Saban's Masked Rider comic - 1997

An item caught my eye on Facebook the other day, it was this...Saban's Masked Rider comic

...dated 19th Feb 1997 this is issue 1 (dated 19th February 1997)

Friend of the blog Alan Craddock noticed my interest and has very kindly shared with me (and now you!) all these other lovely images...

Saban's Masked Rider, Marvel, issue 2, 19th March 1997

Saban's Masked Rider, Marvel, issue 3, 16th April 1997

Saban's Masked Rider, Marvel, issue 4, 14th May 1997

Saban's Masked Rider, Marvel, issue 5, 11th June 1997

Saban's Masked Rider, Marvel, issue 6, 9th July 1997

Saban's Masked Rider, Marvel, issue 7, 6th August 1997

Saban's Masked Rider, Marvel, special

In the US the series only lasted one issue as, according to this website, the license was lost. Which would make the UK comic lasting "about 8 issues" even more interesting.

Over on ComicArtFans (here) there's a piece of Jon Haward original art from a newspaper strip that ran in the Young Telegraph.

There was (in the UK) an associated annual as well... 

...featuring art by Sandy James...

...and Jon Haward (again)

28 March 2022

Rivers of London comics - Body work

I've long enjoyed the Rivers of London book series (by Ben Aaronovitch) and I've been delighted at how many comic spin-off series there have been. Hmmm, I wondered just how many comics are there? Well, time to start looking into this. First up...Body Work. If you spot any comics I've missed just let me know...

So far I've looked at...
Deadly ever after issue 1 here

Rivers of London comics - Body Work, issue #1, cover 1 (of 2)

Rivers of London comics - Body Work, issue #1, cover 2 (of 2)

Rivers of London comics - Body Work, issue #1, Zavvi ZBox exclusive

Rivers of London comics - Body Work, issue #2

Rivers of London comics - Body Work, issue #3

Rivers of London comics - Body Work, issue #4

Rivers of London comics - Body Work, issue #5

27 March 2022

UPDATED: Dan Cornwell for 2000AD & the Megazine

I first got into Dan Cornwell's art when I first read Rok of the Reds a few years back, I love his art style and was delighted when his work started appearing in 2000AD. I don't read the prog regularly but I pick it up when Dan's work has been it, so I thought I'd try and list out all the issue of the prog / Megazine his work has appeared in - a 'prog slog' if you like. Listing all these out highlighted a couple of issues that I'd missed, gah!

I'm pretty confident that I've listed all his work but if you spot anything I've missed then just shout.

So then, onwards for the prog slog...

2000AD issue 2045 Judge Dredd - War buds - part 1, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2046 Judge Dredd - War buds - part 2, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2047 Judge Dredd - War buds - part 3, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2048 Judge Dredd - War buds - part 4, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2049 Judge Dredd - War buds - part 5, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2073 Judge fear - memories are made of this, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2081 Judge Dredd - the chosen one, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2090 Tharg's terror tale - the ticket, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2112 Judge Dredd - the eternity hotel, art by Dan Cornwell

Judge Dredd megazine issue 405 Judge Dredd - planted - part 1, art by Dan Cornwell

Judge Dredd megazine issue 406 Judge Dredd - planted - part 2, art by Dan Cornwell

Judge Dredd megazine issue 413 Judge Dredd - bad wiring, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2124 Max Normal - How the Max got his stripes - part 1, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2125 Max Normal - How the Max got his stripes - part 2, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2126 Max Normal - How the Max got his stripes - part 3, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2127 Max Normal - How the Max got his stripes - part 4, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2128 Max Normal - How the Max got his stripes - part 5, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2129 Max Normal - How the Max got his stripes - part 6, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2131 Max Normal - How the Max got his stripes - part 7, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2132 Max Normal - How the Max got his stripes - part 8, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2133 Max Normal - How the Max got his stripes - part 9, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2134 Max Normal - How the Max got his stripes - part 10, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2163 Judge Dredd - kill Bloopy - part 1, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2164 Judge Dredd - kill Bloopy - part 2, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2163 Judge Dredd - kill Bloopy - part 3, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2164 Judge Dredd - kill Bloopy - part 4, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2184 Judge Dredd pin-up art by Dan Cornwell

As Dan himself said on Twitter today...
Prog 2184 with a Star Scan of Judge Dredd by me. First painting in 10 years+. Acrylic on board. Should have used a less textured one. Learning curve

2000AD sci-fi special 2020
As Dan himself said on Facebook today...
Just noticed I have a pinup in the 2000AD Sci-Fi Special. Here's the original inks. The original is on a wall in Houston TX and was part of a twin commission for a birthday
(the actual pin-up in the special is coloured)

Judge Dredd - Cold Wars (contains reprint of War buds)

2000AD issue 2204 Judge Dredd - they shoot talking horses don'they? - part 1, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2205 Judge Dredd - they shoot talking horses don'they? - part 2, art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2217 Judge Dredd - cover art by Dan Cornwell; Judge Dredd - naked city

2000AD issue 2234 Department K: Cosmic Chaos art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2235 Department K: Cosmic Chaos art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2236 Department K: Cosmic Chaos art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2237 Department K: Cosmic Chaos art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2238 Department K: Cosmic Chaos art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2239 Department K: Cosmic Chaos art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2240 Department K: Cosmic Chaos art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2241 Department K: Cosmic Chaos art by Dan Cornwell (plus the cover)

2000AD issue 2242 Department K: Cosmic Chaos art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2243 Department K: Cosmic Chaos art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2270 The Citadel art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2271 The Citadel art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2272 The Citadel art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2273 The Citadel art by Dan Cornwell

2000AD issue 2274 The Citadel art by Dan Cornwell

The Citadel strip will be collected in a volume boasting its own Dan Cornwell (webshop exclusive) cover - available to purchase here 

Judge Dredd megazine issue 424 Judge Dredd - the victime of Bennett Beeny - part 1, art by Dan Cornwell

Judge Dredd megazine issue 425 Judge Dredd - the victime of Bennett Beeny - part 2, art by Dan Cornwell

Judge Dredd megazine issue 426 Judge Dredd - the victime of Bennett Beeny - part 3, art by Dan Cornwell

Cheers for all the great artwork Dan

You can follow Dan on social media @dancornwellart