22 July 2022

Illustrators - the Modesty Blaise artists

Another special edition of illustrators quarterly magazine has been announced by publishers, the Book Palace.

Due this September, and retailing at £35, is this 160 page long celebration of the artists behind Modesty Blaise. The cover is here...

...more details are available on their website (here - along with a number of very blurry pictures of interior pages) where it says...
Exhaustive examination of all the artists that depicted Modesty Blaise from Jim Holdaway, Enric Romero, John M Burns, Patrick Wright, Neville Colvin, Dick Giordano ... plus numerous paperback cover artists.

Packed with superb examples of all the artists' work, this extraordinary publication includes fascinating articles including never before seen script to sketch comparisons, insights and never before seen visuals of Modesty.

Authors: Diego Cordoba, Norman Boyd
Artists: Jim Holdaway, Enric Romero, John M Burns, Patrick Wright, Neville Colvin, Dick Giordano
Publisher: Book Palace Books, due September 2022
Number of pages: 160
Format: Soft Cover; Full Colour illustrations
Size: 9" x 11" (216mm x 280mm)
ISBN: 9781913548308

There's also going to be a hardback version which is limited to 100 copies, costs £95 and comes with 2 signed prints - one by Romero and one by John M Burns. You can order that via here

The John M Burns print...

The hardback version cover...

The Romero print...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Richard, rumours of my authorship are exagerrated. Merely a proof-reader, me! But this really is a fantastic production written by Diego
