6 December 2016

Johnny Cougar's wrestling monthly 3+4

Covers to issues 3+4 of this obscure title. I've not scanned in the colour pictures of '90s wrestlers in their (enormous) pants / leotards.

Johnny Cougar's Wrestling monthly Issue 3

Johnny Cougar's Wrestling monthly Issue 4


  1. Apart from the covers that featured strips (reprinted from old Tiger covers of course) I wonder if the other covers were commissioned just for this reprint comic or whether they may have been covers from European reprints of Johnny Cougar?

    1. New covers lew, according to http://downthetubes.net/?p=35527

  2. I'm sorry but this series is incorrect, no.3 was December, no.4 was January, and the February 1993 issue was surely no.5. The final issue - no.6, was dated March…?

  3. Blimey... remember Johnny from a couple of years of reading Tiger (in Tiger & Scorcher iteration) before the Marvel bug bit, but don't recall seeing these either :)
