17 April 2017

Achtung Commando! - issues 3+4

So here we go with issue 3 - best cover yet I reckon!
64 pages in this issue - contents are...
interview with George Low
Commando index - issues 61-90
Commando comics and me - Harry Warren
The writer's craft - a closer look at Harry Warren's Commandos
Ken Barr - the comic strips

Issue 4 then...
64 pages in this issue - mind you the size of the font has doubled (to something more readable!)
Published in May 2002
interview with Ian Kennedy
Ian Kennedy - the Air Ace years
Commando index - issues 91-100
Denis Mcloughlin - an appreciation
plus page after page of Ian Kennedy art - even I thought this issue was paying £15 for in 2002

It was (I discovered after buying up back issues on eBay many years later) - a great magazine this, the like of which I wish still existed today. All 4 issues are well worth seeking out by anybody with an interest in British comics.

1 comment:

  1. Only just arrived here, but have you heard of Spaceship Away? It's essentially the best bits of the original Eagle distilled down, only the articles are also about the original Eagle, or other classic Sci-Fi.
