26 April 2017

Death of a legend - Leo Baxendale dies

It is with great sadness that I re-run the text and images that I posted only a few days ago in tribute to the great Leo Baxendale who death has been announced. To bring so much pleasure, so much joy to some many people over so many years is a rare privilege but it is one that was afforded to Leo. For this, we are all in his debt. I shall be re-reading one of his books today in tribute. Thanks, Leo.

Every comic collector out there wants Leo Baxendale book on their shelves right? I certainly do and I've managed to acquire the following from second hand bookshops, charity shops and the like over the years (so, that's why I haven't posted a picture of Willy the Kid book 1).

I remember this from the Guardian but don't recall realising somehow that is was by Baxendale
 Willy the Kid book 2 - front cover
and rear cover

Book 3 - this has a dustjacket over a plain blue cover
and here's the back cover

What this was doing in a 2nd hand record shop in Croydon (about 20 years ago) I have no idea

Acquired in the socialist bookshop just by the British Museum for a very comradely price, I was very happy.
You can buy Leo Baxendale items from his website here

Down the Tubes added to my scans and limited text thus here

1 comment:

  1. Why've I never heard of On Comedy??
    Thrrp is an odd one, but still in a joyous sort of way. The first two Willy the Kid books are slabs of pure genius - the third one not so much, and the copy of it I finally got (after many years searching) is missing the dust jacket but it's still a nice thing to have.

    A true legend gone, RIP to the man.
