"...eclectic and entertaining" - John Freeman (Down the Tubes), "...essential reading" - Hibernia Comics, "...always a good read" Graeme Neil Reid, "...a terrific blog" Ian Wheeler, "...one of my favourite sites on the web - always fascinating and informative!" Michael 'Judge Dredd' Carroll
4 April 2017
new Eagle unknown cover artists - part 2
And a few more please!
4). Eric Bradbury was drawing Doomlord at the time so this may just be a badly coloured Bradbury piece...
5). Not many clues to go on here...
6). Again this may be by Eric Bradbury but I'm not sure
Doomlord's, Bradbury. Roadblasters, I'd plum for Carmona, the planet is like his style nd he was working well with colours around then.