6 February 2020

Orbit comic - from Zambia; image gallery, part 2

I've looked at African comics before - mainly Powerman (here) and Pop (here) but Orbit isn't a title I was familiar with. A seller in Cornwall has sold a number of issues recently and these images are from them. Part 1 of the cover gallery was here.

Alerted to its existence by Phil Rushton (on the excellent Mighty world of British comics facebook group) a quick Google reveals one Zambian recalling...ever implausible it may have been, the Zambian space programme certainly inspired the youth of the time. The monthly Orbit magazine, a mixture of science & cartoons, with first class artwork and production, was very popular after its 1971 launch with great, fantastical stories
However implausible it may have been, the Zambian space programme certainly inspired the youth of the time. The monthly Orbit magazine, a mixture of science & cartoons, with first class artwork and production, was very popular after its 1971 launch with great, fantastical stories

However implausible it may have been, the Zambian space programme certainly inspired the youth of the time. The monthly Orbit magazine, a mixture of science & cartoons, with first class artwork and production, was very popular after its 1971 launch with great, fantastical storiesHowever implausible it may have been, the Zambian space programme certainly inspired the youth of the time. The monthly Orbit magazine, a mixture of science & cartoons, with first class artwork and production, was very popular after its 1971 launch with great, fantastical stories

A quick Google search has brought up the following cover images - so there were at least 17 issues (so it lasted at least 17 months).

There's speculation that the cover artist from issue 2 onwards is Martin Asbury but with only scans to go on it's hard to be sure. I'd certainly agree with the '...first class artwork and production' comment - it looks like a high quality magazine.

If you're interested in the Zambian space programme there's an article about it from the New Yorker magazine here  

Orbit comic issue eight - Zambian comic

Orbit comic issue nine - Zambian comic

Orbit comic issue ten - Zambian comic

Orbit comic issue twelve - Zambian comic

Orbit comic issue thirteen - Zambian comic

Orbit comic issue seventeen - Zambian comic

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