"...eclectic and entertaining" - John Freeman (Down the Tubes), "...essential reading" - Hibernia Comics, "...always a good read" Graeme Neil Reid, "...a terrific blog" Ian Wheeler, "...one of my favourite sites on the web - always fascinating and informative!" Michael 'Judge Dredd' Carroll
18 March 2022
Alan Moore - BBC Maestro course
BBC Maestro have announced here a course with Alan Moore - 33 lessons (aka videos) totaling 6 hours of content (as well as course notes) are available.
All other mentions of Alan on the blog can be found here
eighty quid, I arsk you ... what's the license fee for, etc. it would be great if this was a BBC schools or Open University show broadcast at an ungodly hour as in the olden days. Do you get a refund if your career in comics does not materialise, one wonders. Brill blog by thee way!
eighty quid, I arsk you ... what's the license fee for, etc. it would be great if this was a BBC schools or Open University show broadcast at an ungodly hour as in the olden days. Do you get a refund if your career in comics does not materialise, one wonders. Brill blog by thee way!