16 May 2022

UPDATED: Captain Britain merchandise

I've updated this previous post about Captain Britain with a couple of new images (below) of a pinball game [images shared c/o Dominic Sutton on the 'London Loves Comics' Facebook group] 

if you know of any other Captain Britain merchandise that I've not highlighted below then do get in touch as I'd be pleased to add it to further updates of this post. 

Phil Shrimpton has kindly agreed to let me share these images of a particular piece of Captain Britain merchandise that he's currently selling (here)...yes it's a Captain Britain pinafore, I mean, chest motif...apparently the original purchaser was rather underwhelmed with this (really?) and never played with it...so it's in such great condition now...

Check out those (plastic) wrist bands...

This Cap. merchandise reminded me that there were Captain Britain jigsaws too...in my head there were only a couple but as you can see (from my ebay swipes) below, there were (at least) 4 jigsaws...

I don't own any of these so can't tell you if there are titles or numbers to help identify them further (and show us if there are any more jigsaws), anyway, keep your eye peeled in your local charity shops for these beauties...

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