23 September 2022

Marvel UK - WCW comic

Inspired by Michael Carroll's recent really, really deep dive into Marvel UK in the '90s (check it out here) my interest was piqued by his reference to the World Championship Wrestling comic (from 1993/4). Never having seen these I'vs started scouring the internet to put together a covers gallery...

WCW, Marvel UK, issue 1, dated July 1992
image from

WCW, Marvel UK, issue 2, August 1992
image from

WCW, Marvel UK, issue 3, dated September 1992
image from  https://wcwworldwide.tumblr.com/post/97702263534/marvel-uks-wcw-world-championship-wrestling-3

WCW, Marvel UK, issue 4, dated October 1992
image from

WCW, Marvel UK, issue 5, dated November 1992
image from

WCW, Marvel UK, issue 6, dated December 1992
image from

WCW, Marvel UK, issue 7, dated January 1993
cover image not to hand - can you help?

WCW, Marvel UK, issue 8, dated February 1993
cover image not to hand - can you help?

WCW, Marvel UK, issue 9, dated March 1993
cover image not to hand - can you help?

WCW, Marvel UK, issue 10, dated April 1993
cover image not to hand - can you help?

1 comment:

  1. I have noticed that neither here nor elsewhere is the cover of the 9th UK issue. I made a photo of that issue yesterday. so yeah. Here it is. If you use it, please give credit to me, and maybe even my website. that would be cool.

