12 September 2022

Simon Fraser - Paisley student union handbooks

Thanks to friend of the blog Tony Foster for these images of mid-90s University of Paisley student handboooks. Cover artist look familiar? Well that's because it's Simon 'Nikolai Dante' Fraser (his Wikipedia entry is here) - check 'em out here...

University of Paisley students' association handbook 1995/96

University of Paisley students' association handbook 1993/94
update - I've now been told (by Simon Fraser) that this cover was , in fact, drawn by Garry Marshall (https://britishcomics.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Garry_Marshall/Artist)

University of Paisley students' association handbook 1994/95


  1. The 2nd one is by Garry Marshall.

    1. oops, thanks very much for highlighting this - I've amended the post accordingly
