"...eclectic and entertaining" - John Freeman (Down the Tubes), "...essential reading" - Hibernia Comics, "...always a good read" Graeme Neil Reid, "...a terrific blog" Ian Wheeler, "...one of my favourite sites on the web - always fascinating and informative!" Michael 'Judge Dredd' Carroll
22 January 2023
Luther Arkwright at the Cartoon Museum - part 4
It's recently closed at the Cartoon Museum but here's the fourth part of my look at the recent Bryan Talbot’s Luther Arkwright: 50 years of a British comics legend
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Very sad to have missed this exhibition, but thanks to you I got to attend virtually. Can't tell you how much I appreciate your posts...
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Very sad to have missed this exhibition, but thanks to you I got to attend virtually. Can't tell you how much I appreciate your posts...