14 April 2023

Eagle club notebook - happy birthday Eagle

In honour of it being the 73rd birthday of Eagle today i thought I'd share these images of an Eagle club notebook that was up for sale on ebay recently. 

I like these images, not just for the notebook (which I'd never seen before) but because the original owner has filled the notebook with transfers.I think the transfers were produced by Tuck's and I'm not sure I've seen an unused set of them. 

Anyway, this notebook gives you a good idea of what the transfers were like. You can see Dan Dare characters, Riders of the Range characters, PC49 (possibly for copyright infringement reasons just referred to as 'the man in blue'), Harris Tweed & Chicko. I don't think I've ever seen any Chicko (who was crated by Norman Thelwell) merchandise before.

1 comment:

  1. absolutely loved the standard of 1950s / 60s merchandise. I'm still waiting for my Dan Dare raincoat.
