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23 September 2024
Hagar the Horrible - London Editions
An oddity here, the Hagar the Horrible reprint from (1991) care of London Editions. At least 2 issues (see below) but they're undated and un-numbered, a nightmare! Would be delighted to find out if there were further issues.
I loved Hagar the Horrible as a kid. It was a comic strip that featured in the Sun newspaper alongside other comic strips such as George and Lynne. After a while it got moved to the bottom of the back page. At one point I used to cut them out and stick them in a scrapbook but I don't know what happened to it. Those pictured look like they are paper comics? I do remember getting a couple of collected editions of Hagar the Horrible that were slightly bigger than comic size that card covers with collections of strips that were possibly in colour.
I loved Hagar the Horrible as a kid. It was a comic strip that featured in the Sun newspaper alongside other comic strips such as George and Lynne. After a while it got moved to the bottom of the back page. At one point I used to cut them out and stick them in a scrapbook but I don't know what happened to it. Those pictured look like they are paper comics? I do remember getting a couple of collected editions of Hagar the Horrible that were slightly bigger than comic size that card covers with collections of strips that were possibly in colour.