28 July 2020

Glasgow comic art convention, 1990-95

I've recently look at a lot at the various programmes produced to tie-in with various comic conventions...

Bristol comic expo (2004-2014) is here
London comic festival 2003 is here
Kev Sutherland festival original art is here
A 'Lawless 2019' miscellany is here
Boys and Girls exhibitions of the 1950s and '60s is here

...and today it's the turn of The Glasgow comic art convention (GCAC), which ran from 1990-95...I've included the listing of all those that contribute pin-ups to these programmes. These are great and well worth tracking down.

Glasgow comic art convention, 1990, A4, 68 pages, cover art by Ian Gibson

Glasgow comic art convention, 1991
cover not to hand - can you help?

Glasgow comic art convention, 1992, A4, 68 pages, cover art by Jamie Hewlett

 Glasgow comic art convention, 1993, A4, 72 pages, cover by Steve Pugh

Glasgow comic art convention, 1994, A5, 64 pages, cover by Mark Buckingham

Glasgow comic art convention, 1995, A5, 16 pages, cover by Steve Yeowell
interior art by Thomas Creilly, Darryl Cunningham, Craig Dixon, Mike Hadley, Robert McCallum, Jim O'Reday and Frank Quitely


  1. I can see that I provided pieces for the 93 & 94 books (and I was definitely in attendance on one of those years) but I have zero recollection of what those pieces were.
    Age is a terrible thing! Ha ha!

    1. Ha! Glad you liked the piece - can I ask which drawings were yours? cheers, Richard
