4 October 2019

Brian Bolland - we all love Powerman

My interest (obsession?) with all things Powerman continues...I've looked at Powerman before (here) and I've tried to gather together all the images I can find of this rare Nigerian comic by Brian Bolland & Dave Gibbons. Some more images recently became available (thanks ebay!) so I swiped them for posterity and they can be found as follows...
a). issue 18 is here

b). issue 16 is here
c). issue 11 is here
d). issue 10 is here
e). issue 9 is here
f). issue 8 is here
g). issue 7 is here
h). and there's an interview with Brian Bolland here
i). Ron Tiner talks Powerman here

So for today's update we have this snippet from Brian Bolland himself (c/o the 'Brian Bolland appreciation society' here on that facebook thing), as Brian himself says..."...here's how I cover Powerman in my picto-memoir"...and in doing so he gives us a glimpse of the (previously unseen) cover to issue #6 - thanks Brian and I look forward to your forthcoming 'picto-memoir'

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