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22 July 2019

The Worm - part 2

For a long time I've seen copies of The Worm whenever I've been to the Cartoon Museum, but I've only recently picked up a copy - and what a treat it is!

Behind a cover by Simon Bisley there are 40+ full colour pages, with each pages featuring 6 frames of the story (usually you'll get 5-6 different artists on a page, some artists appear more than one in the book). And the talent involved in this effort to create the longest comic strip in the world.

I'll just give you a taster of the artists involved but I urge you to pick up a copy wherever you can...

Lee Sullivan does panel 2, Don Lawrence 3 and David Lloyd does panel 4

Geoff Campion provides the art for panel 2 & 3

Here's a bit of a rundown of the artists involved (backpage for The Worm)...

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