9 June 2024

Lawless comic oddities

For anyone who was in the bar in Lawless on Saturday evening you might have seen me leafing through some of the more obscure comics in my collection. I'd brought them along primarily to show Michael Carroll but there were a few o us who ended up looking through thenm.
For anyone who missed out, here's what you could have won!

Whacko comic - here

Eureka comic - here 

Ivory castle arrowhere

Signal comic - here

Salmon wise with Alaska Samhere 

My horsehere

Road Maniaxhere

Zodiac comic - here

Phantom 2040here

Max overloadhere


Christmas with the Budshere

IPC news - complete with details of the launch of Tornado

and there may have been more but it was a good start. I'll bring along different oddities next year I promise!

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