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14 November 2019

Mario Capaldi - Sylvanian Families (part 6)

Continuing with my theme of 'Mario Capaldi - cover artist for Marvel UK' here's some more of his work for Original Sylvanian Families - previous parts can be found as follows...
part one is here   
part two is here
part three is here
part four is here
part five is here

These are the final issues of the title and the lack of images I've found suggests that it can't have been selling too well! If you can add any images just leave a comment, thanks

Original Sylvanian Families, Marvel UK comic, issue 26, 7th October 1989
no image to hand

Original Sylvanian Families, Marvel UK comic, issue 27, 21st October 1989

Original Sylvanian Families, Marvel UK comic, issue 28, 4th November 1989

Original Sylvanian Families, Marvel UK comic, issue 29 - 18th November 1989
no image to hand

Original Sylvanian Families, Marvel UK comic, issue 30, 2nd December 1989
no image to hand

1 comment:

  1. Shouldn't "Original Sylvanian Families, Marvel UK comic, issue 29" be "18th NOVEMBER 1989"?
