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2 June 2024

Dandy and Beano club Burns night menu

A really lovely item up for sale at 2pm afternoon (here) via auctioneer's Compal. It's described thus

D C Thomson Dandy and Beano Club Burns Night Menus (1936-43) 1-8. All illustrated by Dudley Watkins. With The History of the Beano Book (2008) where pg 45 illustrates their origin. Specific staff notices were printed on the front of each menu: 'Refrain from Spitting / Boots and Dentures should be removed before putting casualties to bed / This hall is regularly disinfected with Jeyeses Fluid/Supper at 7.30, Ambulances at 11.45.' The 1941 main course was 'Nae Steak Pie (There's a war on)' followed by Verismelli cheese and Aspirins. Rare. Only one other menu set has ever come up for auction. Book with dustjacket [fn], Menus: 1938 [vg+], balance [fn/vfn] (9)

I've made the pictures extra large just so you can enjoy these wonderful pieces of ephemera in all their glory

boom! sells for £410 (plus fees)

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