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26 July 2024

Mike Noble - Polar Mission

I've started (thanks to friend of the blog Bill Storie) showcasing just some of the art of Mike Noble. I've grouped together the images into a number of 'themes'...

Captain Scarlet was here
Look and Learn was here
Look-in was here
Explorer 12 was here

And now more from the Explorer 12 series...

25 July 2024

Dave Gibbons & Gerry Finley-Day sign Rogue Trooper

To celebrate the release of 'Essential Rogue Trooper - Genetic Infantryman' Forbidden Planet have announced a signing with Dave Gibbons & Gerry Finley-Day on Saturday 17th August (2024), 1-2pm

Can't make it? Then why not pre-order a signed copy of the book right here for £14.99 (plus postage)?

24 July 2024

Simon Bisley signing announced

Forbidden Planet have announced here a signing with Simon Bisley on Saturday 24th August 2024 from 1pm-2pm (at their London megantore) to celebrate the launch of the anniversary edition of Sláine - the horned God.

You can pre-order signed editions here and here

23 July 2024

UPDATED: 'Battleground' fanzine

A new one for me is this covers gallery for Battleground ('The comics discussion fanzine') from back in the day. I'd love to know how many issues this lasted. I remember seeing adverts for this in the back of Comics International but I never ordered a copy, more fool me by the looks of it - this looks great!

Updated: now with covers for issue 1, 2 and 4
Ewan Brownlow says 6 issues only

Battleground #1

available to download here - thanks to friend of the blog David Hathaway-Price

Battleground #2
available to download here - thanks to friend of the blog David Hathaway-Price

Battleground #3, cover by Adrian Hughes

the original image that was used for the cover

contains this centrespread by Glenn Fabry

and there's an interview with him; and an interview with Paul Grist. In fact here's a look at the contents...

Battleground #4
c/o friend of the blog David McDonald

Battleground #5, cover by Adrian Hughes

Battleground #6
cover not to hand - can you help?

22 July 2024

UPDATED: Adventure stories for boys

This is a recent acquisition...

(first published 1967, 2nd impression 1968), hardback, 360 pages, sort of A5 sized and one in a series of similarly titled books.

why? Well, I was intrigued by the acknowledgements which clearly states that the material had all first been published in Eagle and Boys' World

The 2 titles had merged together on 10th October 1964 but I wondered if the text stories had first appeared in Eagle and Boys' World separately OR if they's appeared in the combined title? The stories are...
1). The Crime wave - Fielden Hughes
2). The speed kings - Robert Bateman
3). Adventure incorporated - James Kenner
4). Spell of magic - Harry Harrison
5). The ship that vanished - Odhams Press, 1963
6). High quest - Odhams Press, 1963
7). Hoodoo on the rangers - Odhams Press, 1964
8). A man's job - Odhams Press, 1964

A look at page 159 of this book...
...helped me put some dates to the stories above...

The ship that vanished ran in Boys' World volume 1 issue 1 to issue 10 [26/01/63 to 30/03/63]

Spell of magic then ran from (volume 1) issue 11 to issue 23 [06/04/63 to 29/06/63]

The speed kings then ran to (volume 1) issue 34 [06/07/63 to 14/09/63]

Adventure incorporated then ran to issue to (volume 1) issue 48 [21/09/63 to 21/12/63]

Hoodoo on the rangers then ran from (volume 1) issue 49 to volume 2  issue 13 [28/12/63 to 28/03/64]

A man's job then ran to (volume 2) issue 17 [04/04/64 to 25/04/64]

So that leaves The crime wave and High quest as stories to identify - I'm sure they're not in Boys' World but I can't find them in Eagle either - a mystery!

UPDATE: friend of the blog Norman Boyd has let me know that High quest ran in Eagle 14/10 (09/03/63) to 14/17 (27/04/63)...

...a quick comparison of the text shows that it has been re-written slightly for the book version but it's definitely the same story. Thanks Norman!

So that leaves The crime wave story to find - it must be in Eagle somewhere!

21 July 2024

Carlos Ezquerra art up for sale this week

These pages are up for sale tonight, good luck if you bid!

Catawiki auctions are running an auction this week called 'From the vaults of the Book Palace' - they ran one before that I covered on the blog here. Anyway, this 2nd auction also features a number of Carlos pages (and loads of other great stuff too but I'm just going to focus on the Carlos pages)...

This page from 'The Moses incident'

This page from 'The Moses incident'

This page from Durham Red

This page from Durham Red

20 July 2024

Bryan Talbot - Dark Horizons #1

I've looked at the work of Bryan Talbot many times on the blog before (check out all the posts here) but this 1971 fanzine cover illustration was new to me when I spotted it on ebay (here). 

At the time of typing it's available for £54.99

19 July 2024

Cartoon Museum event - Thur 29 Aug

The Cartoon Museum have announced at event in August looking at vintage newspaper strips from the 1930s and '40s (so these are likely to be seriously large!) A really great opportunity to see some vanishingly rare material. See you there? 
So, these are newspapers PLUS original artwork by George 'Krazy Kat' Herriman and Jack Davis.

18 July 2024

Eric Parker overseas (part 8 of 10)

I've recently begun a lengthy series of blog posts all about renowned illustrator Eric Parker (check out his Wikipedia entry here) who had a 50 year (!) career as a comic illustrator.

I've looked at Roughs (part 1) here
Roughs (part 2) here
Roughs (part 3) here
Roughs (part 4) here
Female heads (part 1) here
Female heads (part 2) here
Female heads (part 3) here
Female heads (part 4) here
Pubs (part 1) here
Pubs (part 2) here
Overseas (part 1) here
Overseas (part 2) here
Overseas (part 3) here
Overseas (part 4) here
Overseas (part 5) here
Overseas (part 6) here
Overseas (part 7) here

and now we turn our attention to the start of a series of illustrations of foreign climes...

Is this the old bridge in Mostar?


Arcos de la Frontera (in Spain)

17 July 2024

UPDATED: The complete (?) guide to Warhammer (40k) comic reprints

Warhammer monthly (renamed for the last 2 issues of its run as Warhammer comic) ran from February 1998 until December 2004; Inferno! magazine ran from 1997-2005. Both have the Warhammer (40k) universe at their heart and both featured comic strips (although more in the monthly than in Inferno!) - these strips have been reprinted in many different formats subsequently. What follows then is my attempt to list all of these reprints.

Know about a book I've missed? Then just let me know....for this post I've added in a (2011) print on demand Darkblade reprint omnibus. 

This gives a running total of 7 comics & 60 reprint volumes - of which I have 7 comics & 55 of the books. 

The 5 book titles highlighted in red are on my 'wants' list and are as as follows...
Bloodquest volume 2, 2021, hardback
Daemonifuge, 20th anniversary special edition
Inquisitor Ascendant, 2012, paperback
Titan, 2017, hardback
Darkblade (2011), POD

Bloodquest - the eye of terror trilogy, 2005, 'classic' paperback size, ISBN 184416-1463

Bloodquest, 1999, ISBN 1-84154-108-7, US comic size trade paperback, £7.50

Bloodquest 2 - into the eye of terror, 2000, US comic size trade paperback ISBN 1-84154-126-5, £7.50

Bloodquest 3 - the daemon's mark, 2003, ISBN 1-84416-057-2, US comic size trade paperback

Bloodquest, 2020

Bloodquest - volume 2 (2021)

Daemonifuge - Heretic Saint, 2005, 'classic' paperback size, ISBN 1-84414-251-6, £7.99

Daemonifuge, paperback 1999, ISBN 1-84154-117-6, £4.99

Daemonifuge book 2, paperback 2002, ISBN 1-84154-240-7, £7.50

Daemonifuge, oversized hardback 2002, ISBN 1-84154-261-X, £15

Daemonifuge, large hardback 2016, £25, ISBN 978-1-84970-802-9
Daemonifuge - standalone comic #1

Daemonifuge - standalone comic #2

Daemonifuge - standalone comic #3

Daemonifuge, 2011, paperback omnibus of volumes 1-3, ISBN 978-1-84970-162-4
unusual size - bigger than A5 but not as big as A4 - the size wasn;t used on any other volumes

back cover...

Daemonifuge (20th anniversary edition), 2020, US comic sized, £25, ISBN 9781789990874

Daemonifuge (20th anniversary edition), 2020, US comic sized, £??, ISBN ??
...this is part of a larger "set" - which looks as to 1,500 copies this includes a copy of the novel Ephrael Stern: The heretic saint

Darkblade book 1, 2000, £4.99, US comic size trade paperback, ISBN 1-84154-124-9)

Darkblade book 2, 2001, £7.50, US comic size trade paperback, ISBN 1-84154-147-8)

Darkblade book 3, 2003, £7.50, US comic size trade paperback, ISBN 1-84154-241-5)

Darkblade - Reign of blood (2005, paperback, ISBN 184416-2060)

Darkblade, 2011, print on demand reprint
ISBN 978-1-84416-834-7
GW code 6062081006

Deathwatch, 2004, US comic size trade paperback, ISBN 1-84416-100-5, £5.99

Deathwatch, 2016, ISBN 978-1-78496-403-0, £15, large hardback

Deff Skwadron, 2004, US comic size trade paperback, £5.99, ISBN 1-84416-057-2

Deff Skwadron, 2004, A4 sized, paperback ISBN 978-1-84970-231-7

Deff Skwadron, 2016, large hardback, £15, ISBN 978-1-78496-432-0

Eternal War, 2001, US comic size trade paperback, £7.50, ISBN 1-84154-210-5

Eternal Damnation, 2003, US comic size trade paperback, £7.50, ISBN 1-84416-029-7

Flames of damnation (2005, classic paperback, ISBN 184416-2532)

Hellbrandt Grimm, £7.99(2005, classic paperback size, ISBN 184416-2079)

The legend of Hellbrandt Grimm, 2005, £4.99, US comic size trade paperback, ISBN 1-84154-239-3)

Hellbrandt Grimm - some swift and brutal hand, 2004, £5.99, US comic size trade paperback, ISBN 1-84416-079-3)

Imperial Gothic (Dan Abnett, classic paperback, 2006, ISBN 184416-330X)

Inquisitor Ascendant, 2001 US comic size trade paperback, paperback, £7.50, ISBN 1-84154-143-5)

Inquisitor Ascendant, 2002 US comic size trade paperback, paperback, £7.50, ISBN 1-84154-238-5)

Inquisitor Ascendant, 2012, large paperback, ISBN 978-1-84970-372-7
GW code 60620181030

Inquisitor Ascendant, 2016, large hardback, £20, ISBN 978-0-78496-408-5

Kal Jerico - underhive bounty hunter (2006, classic paperback, ISBN 184416-2540)

Kal Jerico, 2000, US comic size trade paperback, £4.99, ISBN 1-84154-041-2)

Kal Jerico, 2001, US comic size trade paperback, £4.99, ISBN 1-84154-209-1)

The complete Kal Jerico (November 2011)
according to this link this came out in November 2011 and contained all the Kal Jerico strips as well as the 3 novels. This is not to be confused with the (2017) Kal Jerico omnibus (which is just an omnibus of the three novels).

Lone Wolves, hardback 2003, £15, ISBN 1-84414-056-4

Lone Wolves, softback 2004, £7.50, ISBN 1-84416-101-3

Lone Wolves, softback 2012, ISBN 978-1-84970-166-2

Lone Wolves, hardback 2014, £20, ISBN 978-1-84970-801-2

Lone Wolves, 2020, £20, ISBN 978-1-789-993158
new book! Wonder if the strips have been re-coloured

Obvious tactics, 2000 
US comic size trade paperback, £4.99, ISBN 1-84154-128-7)

The Redeemer, 2002 US comic size trade paperback, £12.95, ISBN 1-84154-274-1

The Redeemer, 2000 US comic size trade paperback, £7.50, ISBN 1-84154-120-6

The Redeemer, 2017 US comic size trade paperback, £9.99, ISBN 978-1-78496-744-4

The Redeemer - standalone comic #1

The Redeemer - standalone comic #2

The Redeemer - standalone comic #3

The Redeemer - standalone comic #4

Tales from the ten-tailed cat (volume 1)US comic size trade paperback, £4.99, ISBN 1-84154-237-3)

Tales from the ten-tailed cat (volume 2), US comic size trade paperback, £5.99, ISBN 1-84416-055-6)

The complete Tales from the ten-tailed cat, £7.99 (2005, classic paperback size, ISBN 188416-1454)

The call of chaos, £7.99 (2005, classic paperback size ISBN 184416-1447)

Titan (2004, classic paperback, ISBN 1-84416-123-4)

Titan, 1999, US comic size trade paperback, £4.99, ISBN 1-84154-109-5) - 1st edition

Titan, 2002, US comic size trade paperback, £4.99, ISBN 1-84154-109-5) - 2nd edition

Titan 2, 2001, US comic size trade paperback, £7.50, ISBN 1-84154-144-3)

Titan 3, 2003, US comic size trade paperback, £7.50, ISBN 1-84154-242-3)

Titan, 2017, large hardback, £25, ISBN 978-1-78496-544-0

Titan, 2013, oversized large softback, £25, ISBN 978-84970-233-1

Ulli & Marquand, 2002US comic size trade paperback, £7.50, ISBN 1-84154-211-3)