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31 July 2024

Eric Parker overseas (part 9 of 10)

I've recently begun a lengthy series of blog posts all about renowned illustrator Eric Parker (check out his Wikipedia entry here) who had a 50 year (!) career as a comic illustrator.

I've looked at Roughs (part 1) here
Roughs (part 2) here
Roughs (part 3) here
Roughs (part 4) here
Female heads (part 1) here
Female heads (part 2) here
Female heads (part 3) here
Female heads (part 4) here
Pubs (part 1) here
Pubs (part 2) here
Overseas (part 1) here
Overseas (part 2) here
Overseas (part 3) here
Overseas (part 4) here
Overseas (part 5) here
Overseas (part 6) here
Overseas (part 7) here
Overseas (part 8) here

and now we turn our attention to the start of a series of illustrations of foreign climes...

Toledo (in Spain)

30 July 2024

Lawless 2024 - the photos, part 2

Hard to believe it's another 10 months to Lawless, boo! While we're waiting for the time to pass here's part 2 of my photos from Lawless 2024. 
Part 1 (the artists) was here

Here's just some of the amazing 2000AD art that David Roach had on display...

art by Belardinelli

art by Mick McMahon

art by Colin Wilson

art by Redondo (from Starlord)

Rogue Trooper art by Jose Ortiz

Dan Dare art by Garry Leach

29 July 2024

Bugs Bunny - London Editions

Ok, so I'm filing this one under "comics I know nothing about". However, you've got to start somewhere! So here, from 1991, is issue #2 of Bugs Bunny - published by London Editions

There have been LOTS of comics featuring ol' Bugs over the years but I'm JUST looking for issues published by London Editions - can you help me out?? Thanks!

28 July 2024

UPDATED: Clearmark comics - Tom & Jerry

I've looked at some comics published by 'Clearmark comics' in the past...

Popular fairy tales here
Were Bears here
The world of Wym here
Rupert here
Tom and Jerry here 
Cookie here
Henry's cat - fun to cook here

They published at least one other title though...Tom & Jerry comic. Michael Carrol (here) records it at lasting 7 issues. So, here's the start of a covers gallery for Tom & Jerry comic.

Now updated with the cover of issue #7

Tom & Jerry comic, issue 1, May 1990, 80p

Tom & Jerry comic, issue 2, June 1990, 80p

Tom & Jerry comic, issue 3, July 1990, 80p

Tom & Jerry comic, issue 4, August 1990, 80p

Tom & Jerry comic, issue 5, September 1990, 80p

Tom & Jerry comic, issue 6 October 1990, 80p
image not to hand - can you help?

Tom & Jerry comic, issue 7, November 1990, 80p
Denis Gifford's ACE newsletter for Jan/Feb 1991 (#120) records this as the final issue

27 July 2024

Kev O'Neill - Torquemada OA

Just a reminder that this fantastic piece of original Kevin O'Neill artwork is currently for sale on ebay. At the time of typing the price is £510 but I'm sure it'll go for more than that

You can find it here - the seller is Lew Stringer, he originally commissioned the piece for the back cover of issue #4 of his comics fanzine Fantasy Express (back in 1984). It's A5 sized - good luck if you bid! I'll report back with the winning bad in due course.

Boom! sells for £2,050!

26 July 2024

Mike Noble - Polar Mission

I've started (thanks to friend of the blog Bill Storie) showcasing just some of the art of Mike Noble. I've grouped together the images into a number of 'themes'...

Captain Scarlet was here
Look and Learn was here
Look-in was here
Explorer 12 was here

And now more from the Explorer 12 series...

25 July 2024

Dave Gibbons & Gerry Finley-Day sign Rogue Trooper

To celebrate the release of 'Essential Rogue Trooper - Genetic Infantryman' Forbidden Planet have announced a signing with Dave Gibbons & Gerry Finley-Day on Saturday 17th August (2024), 1-2pm

Can't make it? Then why not pre-order a signed copy of the book right here for £14.99 (plus postage)?

24 July 2024

Simon Bisley signing announced

Forbidden Planet have announced here a signing with Simon Bisley on Saturday 24th August 2024 from 1pm-2pm (at their London megantore) to celebrate the launch of the anniversary edition of SlĂ¡ine - the horned God.

You can pre-order signed editions here and here

23 July 2024

UPDATED: 'Battleground' fanzine

A new one for me is this covers gallery for Battleground ('The comics discussion fanzine') from back in the day. I'd love to know how many issues this lasted. I remember seeing adverts for this in the back of Comics International but I never ordered a copy, more fool me by the looks of it - this looks great!

Updated: now with covers for issue 1, 2 and 4
Ewan Brownlow says 6 issues only

Battleground #1

available to download here - thanks to friend of the blog David Hathaway-Price

Battleground #2
available to download here - thanks to friend of the blog David Hathaway-Price

Battleground #3, cover by Adrian Hughes

the original image that was used for the cover

contains this centrespread by Glenn Fabry

and there's an interview with him; and an interview with Paul Grist. In fact here's a look at the contents...

Battleground #4
c/o friend of the blog David McDonald

Battleground #5, cover by Adrian Hughes

Battleground #6
cover not to hand - can you help?